Graduating from college six months pregnant was not easy. But it was achievable. Don’t think because you are having a baby, that you have to quit school. Research the school you want to attend. Some schools offer on campus day care facilities. Another option is to find a school with an accredited online program. Set a Routine for yourself if you are attending classes on campus. Morning sickness was my enemy during my morning classes. I let my professors know that if I step out of class, that it will be to throw up. But I would always return to class. I carried a tooth brush and travel size toothpaste with me. I had to power through my last quarter of school. My professors appreciated this, because they know why I had to step out of class. They also were glad to see that I returned back to class every time. But something began to weight heavy on me. My mind started to work against me. 

It starts in your mind. Once you have a set goal in your mind, it will help you tremendously. My goal was to graduate with a high grade point average, before I give birth. I knew once my daughter was born, it would be harder for me to finish my on campus classes. I had to break the negative cycle in my mind, telling me I have to quit school. I push through. You can push through too.


  • Find a college campus with an on site daycare facility.
  • Research fully online accredited programs. Especially if your degree leads to you having to be licensed. 
  • Make sure you school is accredited!
  • Remember DEADLINES! I cannot stress enough how impossible college admission deadlines are.
  • Research your college program requirements .
  • Most college applications have an application fee. ( usually $55 or more)
  • Know your limitations: can you handle the load of being a full time student or part time student?
  • Get in contact with your schools Financial Aid Department. See if your school offers their own scholarships. 
  • Ask your employer if they offer tuition assistance.
  • Some colleges offer a discount on tuition if you work for an Nonprofit Organization. Call and ask your school if they offer this discount program. Or any other tuition discount programs. 

Don’t give up on your education. Believe in yourself. It will not be a easy journey, but you will be able to finish. Having a baby does not mean you have to stop your educational goals. Only you know what you can and cannot handle. Always research different schools and the programs they offer. Believe in your education goals.