Stretch marks are unwanted body art. I now reference my stretch mark’s as body art. This helps me create a new outlook on my appearance. Let’s be real, most people have stretch marks. I had to learn to embrace my stretch marks after my pregnancy. Before my pregnancy, wearing a bikini was my go to at the beach. After I found myself doubting my ability to wear one. Seeing my body after I gave birth was hard. My stretch marks looked like a tiger attacked my stomach with bright red paint on its claws. I began to cry and felt bad about my body. My outlook on them change with the help of my daughter’s father.
He began to kiss my stomach and tell me that they are beautiful. That they are there because of my pregnancy, I should be proud. They are from the process that gave us the best gift we could ever ask for. That gift was our daughter. Every time we laid down to sleep, he would kiss my stomach and tell me nothing has changed. He didn’t know by doing that simple thing, it would change my outlook. I became a mom and am proud of my pregnancy stretch marks. I learned to accept them, that they are now a part of me. I am grateful that my body was able to withstand my pregnancy. Try looking on the bright side of things. Be grateful and not ashamed. Your body went through a lot. It is okay to embrace them and live your life. It was a process for me learning how to love my body again. Am I confident to wear a bikini to the beach again? Not fully, but I am able to wear a bikini with a opened-weave pattern cover up.